
Skilled (Sponsored) Visa

If you are anyhow willing to work and live permanently in Australia through the best use of your skills to the fullest, then the skilled sponsored visa can indeed be a boon to you all. It’s basically a point based visa and the applicant has to score 65 points at the most in order to become completely eligible for the skilled sponsored visa. More importantly, the applicant also needs to qualify all the necessary health as well as character tests in the proper and expected way so as to become legally eligible for the skilled sponsored visa
Also, the applicant needs to be selected by the concerned state or territory in Australia itself and therefore he/she will get a wonderful scope to work and live permanently in Australia by making the best use of the various traits and skills pertaining to their own area of interest. And the candidate needs to be of 45 years at the most and not less than that accompanied an immensely good command over the English language as well as must possess a sound understanding in his/her own area of interest pertaining to the job he/she is going to do there.
Depending on the different needs of their different applicants, the Department of Home Affairs has framed a few of the following skilled sponsored visa categories for each of them to avail:

How Can ISA Migrations Help You?

If you are also contemplating about applying for any of the aforesaid visa types, then get in touch with us at ISA Migrations. Our team of immensely knowledgeable experts remains all the time ready to help you out in this matter.
Our highly skilled professionals are there to evaluate the nature of your skills and traits and will quite judiciously recommend a visa category for you, the one that they will find the most appropriate for you. Starting right from lodging of the application to that of arranging the right set of documents for you, we at ISA Migrations will strive to do everything for you.

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Enquire now to discuss your visa options with our Registered Migration Agents
Amit Taya (Perth) : +61 426 488 909 Harmandeep (Adelaide) : +61 8 8120 4199